Are you ready for finals? Feeling a little stressed? Maybe you've got it together, but your friend could use a little de-stresser? Show them some love with a FINALS CARE PACKAGE! S ign up here to get one for yourself and one to give to a friend! Parents: Sign up for a care package to be delivered to your child! Spreading love around Chico! Contact Info: Name: Phone: Email: Delivery Info: Address: (please include room # or any other important info) I will pick up at Chabad I would like tp spread the love by delivering a package to a friend! Friend's Name/s: Msg. to your friend: For Parents: We can deliver a package to your child! Student Name: Phone: Address: (please include room # or any other important info) Personal Msg to your child : This page uses 128 bit SSL encryption to keep your data secure.